I love reading and writing stories. As an Author, of course, I know the next events of my stories, they're all within my control. As a reader, I'm already good enough at predicting plot twists.
But in real life? It's this ever-mysterious story you can never predict especially if it's the story of your own life. Past cannot be changed, there's no edit or undo button. The present is faced with multiple diverging roads.
And the future...
It is a valley shrouded by thick mists.
But where are you? Where am I? Where are we? You are here. At the current moment. The present.
And all you need to do is persist and overcome. Everything in your life is uncertain, but hope is eternal, faith and trust are your best friends. Believe that one day, everything would make sense. Believe that one day, it is going to be better. Believe that one day, you'll cry once more with tears of joy.
Believe that one day, you will be very glad and relieved you didn't give up no matter how difficult the obstacles you've faced.
It happens
It comes
It appears
When you least expect it.
Just like my little herb Arugula.
I didn't expect her to sprout first, but just this morning, when my father told me my Arugula seeds had awoken, I literally did a double take. It was very early in the morning and I just had a terrible nightmare, however, because of Arugula's sudden surprise, I became widely awake.
It revives me, and inspires me, when the night before, I'm feeling down again, this wonderful creation of my Heavenly Father is an instrument to make me feel better. To be very hopeful, inspired, and motivated once more to continue doing this that I love for love and nothing else. And hopefully, the rest will follow, and I'm going to be motivated enough again to continue sharing stories. For love. Only for the love of writing and connecting with people who are like me, all possible through the magic of storytelling.
It is a wonderful feeling, isn't it?
And it exists in oh so many forms ♥️
I get it now. When I received my seeds, I read somewhere that planting is supposed to relieve stress. Back then I thought, "What if it didn't sprout?" "Waiting for it to germinate is supposed to relieve stress? Are they serious?"
That's my anxiety asking.
But as I started sowing, the planting process took a lot of my attention. I was absorbed. Very absorbed. Waiting whether it's a successful germination or not certainly does make me anxious, but that's life, anxiety is a common feeling as long as it isn't overwhelming, as long as it ain't too much.
And then one of my herb species germinated! All anxious, worried thoughts are defeated by the ecstatic, inspired ones!
It's like waking up after suffering a terrible nightmare. You're feeling anew, and yet, still the same. Everything is set to right again, and though there are hisses of what ifs...
What if it dies?
What if the others don't sprout?
What if, what if, all the terrible what ifs of my anxious life...
Hope never fails me that a time will come when everything will feel right again. A cycle of healing.
In this life filled with uncertainties, maybe healing is one of the few constants.
The world will destroy you over and over again,
But you will also heal
over and over again
Your Garden Fae and Author,
s e j u r u
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