Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mini Makeup & Fashion Haul (VERY AFFORDABLE)

Today, I thought, "I was having a good week so why not upload another post?" If you have watched Vlogs  in Youtube, vloggers upload these 'haul' videos wherein they basically show items they have bought for whatever purposes they plan on using them. This one is a written version. Don't ask me to do a video-version. I'm a very awkward conversion partner, stuttering a lot, my mind blank out...just don't. Let's stay with written. πŸ‘

Low on budget, I only had at least 300 php on my wallet. Yep. I'm poor. What do you expect? I don't have regular job yet since I'm still a student and my scholarship just freaking expired. Huhu. BUT MIND YOU, with a total amount of less than 300 php ('coz I don't want to know the exact amount)...I bought these stuff...

Socks. Why did I buy socks? It was not on my plan to buy one before I decided to go out and explore the world. I have this shoes I bought last Christmas vacation (ANOTHER CHEAP STUFF! I LOVE CHEAP THINGS πŸ’“) I only wore only once until today. Why? 'Coz that shoes tortured my ankle after a long time of wearing them. I wore them today with the hope that they won't hurt anymore but when I reached the store, I was dragging my left foot because it freaking hurts again. That's why I bought socks to create a barrier between my skin and the torturer-shoes. The problem was there was no black ones on the women's section! Why?! (↞enlarged so you feel how frustrated I was) All they have were these ugly bright color combinations that didn't suit my taste at all ('coz I wear dark colors almost all the time). This, my friends, is the reason why if you look closely at the picture, there's a really hot guy (I think) playing soccer, and if you look'll see it indicates "men's socks." Ikr. LOL πŸ˜† !!!

I bought men's socks obviously because it is in dark color combination (black and gray). AND I LOVE BLACK. After I paid, I wore it right after while inside the store OVER MY FOOT SOCKS because I'm too lazy to remove them hahaha! Yep, it did its job. My feet didn't hurt that much anymore after putting ankle socks on them! We gotta work with what's available! I'm a girl at heart, mind, and soul...and I'll use men's items as long as they suit my taste and purpose! BWAHAHA πŸ˜‚

The next item is wig cap but it says in there 'weaving cap.' I don't know what that means~ What ever this is, as long as it holds my hair inside my wig for tomorrow's photoshoot, there will be no buying regrets. This one is pretty expensive too. 25php. Probably you're thinking right now, "25php is expensive for you? *insert shock faces here*"

Friends, I'm broke, okay? Huhu. Yep, 25php is expensive. I'm tellin' you that's the most expensive of all items I bought from this store. I can imagine you sayin'... "REALLY?! What is this store? Divisoria?" To answer that question, the store is the Los Banos version of divisoria. Not all items are bought from this store btw.

In this next batch, let's start from the left. That one encase in a blue guitar is..uhhh...HOLY CRAP I FORGOT IT'S NAME! But I'm sure you're familiar with it! We use them to tie our hair. I need it to hold my hair tomorrow for the photoshoot. BUT SHOOKT I REALLY FORGOT ITS NAME...!!!

Let's go to the next item. This one seems like a toy, a small black guitar to be specific. It's actually a liquid eyeliner I bought despite of its small size when there were other bigger eyeliners at same price mainly due to its aesthetic.

I bought these two over other similar items (but in different designs) because they looked like guitars. AND I LOVE ACOUSTIC AND ALTERNATIVE ROCK, so! Aren't they are too cute? (I still can't remember the name of that one contained in blue. WTH?)

There you see in the 2nd batch picture is a pencil-like thingy. That's an eye and lip liner I fully intend to use as an eyebrow pencil 😁 Also, I need a sharpener for my makeup pencils and this one has a sharpener on its cap! Alternative double purpose.

There is also a brush, looking so lonely because it's alone. Usually, and if only I have abundant money, I will go for the pack with different types of makeup brushes. But since, I only need something like this one to shape my eyebrow...

Lastly, we have the temporary tattoos! I love tattoos! In the future, I want to have a real one and no one's stopping me! I believe there's nothing wrong with it as long as you treat tats as work of art! WORK OF ART! AND THAT'S THE WAY I SEE THEM!  I need these awesome designs for tomorrow's photoshoot. The theme is dark faerie btw. I'll be wearing a black dress, dark purple wig, makeup, and some of these cool tattoos on my face to appear BADASS! Go girl!

That's it. I hope you enjoyed reading this 1st ever cheapest haul! See you in my next post!

PS: I did some reading and took photos of nature after the shopping spree . You can see in the pic the mastermind shoes and savior socks btw! love this day! πŸ’š

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